Zinc (Zn) – Zinc

Zinc suction cups are dissolved in water.

Useful types of zinc in the soil:

– Zn2+ in solution

– A large amount of Zn2+ complex with organic matter

– Solubility of Zn Mineral Relatively Low: 10-5 – 10-7 M

– pH dependent activity

– Strong absorption on the oxide minerals

– A little kept on the CEC

Chelates are important for maintaining the Zn2+ content in the soil and moving to the roots

– Interactions: Cu, Fe, Mn, P can reduce the usefulness of Zn2+

1. The effect of zinc on the physiological biochemistry of plants:

Zinc (Zn2+) is a component of carboxylase enzyme that stimulates the release of CO2 in chlorophyll, stimulating photosynthesis.

Zinc is involved in growth factor formation. Zinc is involved in protein synthesis and in seed formation and promotes plant growth and vitality.

Zinc affects the following biochemical physiological processes: mineral nutrition (nutrient uptake and N fixation), respiration, photosynthesis, organic synthesis (gluxid, protit, nucleic acid and growth regulators), transport (water evaporation and gluxit metabolism), growth (new tissue formation), and cold resistance to heat.

Zn2+ affects the formation of many important compounds in plants such as starch, protit, phospholipids, vitamin C, auxin, phenols, tannins, proteins and enzymes.

Zn2+ content in plants varies from 15 to 22 mg/kg dry matter. Many plants show the need for zinc. The most demanding plants are: rice, maize, fruit trees such as orange, grapefruit, lemon, peach, pear, apple. In legumes, pea pods, avocado and cowpea often show the need for zinc.

Expression of zinc deficiency

Lack of zinc (Zn2+) leaves are narrow and small, leaf blade is blue, veins are still green, dead spots develop throughout the leaves, including veins, leaf tips and edges. Leaves are deformed, sprouting, turning white and swollen. The number of fruit fell sharply, productivity, quality is low.

+ Appears primarily on mature leaves (2nd and 3rd leaves).

Lack of zinc, spotted spots or pale yellow streaks mainly on mature leaves, young leaves become short, narrow and coarse, the eyes burned tops short, low trees, very hard to flower

                                                                 Expression of zinc deficiency on citrus leaves

+ In lemon, oranges appear yellowish irregularly between the veins, the young leaves become short and narrow, the formation of fruit buds drastically reduced, branches with branches die and branches die.

                                                                                   “Ball” due to lack

                                                                                    Symptoms “small leaf”

* Symptoms of zinc poisoning in plants:

Symptoms of zinc poisoning in plants are unclear. Plants suffering from zinc poisoning will develop dark pigment spots or streaks on the leaves, which are more severe and will have a deep red color, especially on the petiole and around the leaf margin. May cause damage to the roots causing yellowing and wilting. Zinc poisoning plants inhibit the uptake, manifesting iron deficiency characterized by zinc poisoning plants.

Level of zinc poisoning increased gradually with increasing content and expression of iron deficiency due to iron deficiency (J. O’Sullivan)

                                                                            Symptoms of zinc poisoning

                                                                              Spray the Zn on the leaves

* Zinc in the soil

Zinc reserve in topsoil is about 120 – 170 kg / ha. The amount of zinc easily varies with pH, ??P content, organic matter and lightning. Poor solubility when pH is too acidic or too alkaline. In the pH range of 6 – 8, zinc is often difficult to dissolve.

Zinc deficiency is common in soil with high P content. Many experiments have shown that there is a clear relationship between P and Zn2+ in soil. If there is more than one factor in the soil, it reduces the ability to provide the other. In the absence of any element, the lack of any element leads to the lack of one factor. Therefore, add zinc to the ingredients. The mechanism of this phenomenon has not been thoroughly studied. Explained by zinc phooootphat precipitation phenomenon is not enough to clarify the problem.

Zn2+ deficiency is also present in a variety of soils with high organic content, especially soils that fertilize too much manure. It was also observed that zinc deficiency when soil was sterilized by autoclave or focalin. Therefore, it is thought that Zn2+ deficiency occurs when organic fertilizers are applied, as well as when fertilizers are applied to microorganisms. In cases where there are many P and organic matter, microorganisms are active and fixed Zn2+.

Many research results also show that clay minerals and calcium and magnesium carbonates are capable of absorbing strong zinc. So zinc is less mobile in the soil and less prone to run off and lose. But these results also show that heavy, neutral and alkaline earths MgCO3, CaMg(CO2)2 or CaCO3 are often deficient in Zn2+ .

2. Types of raw materials for zinc fertilizers production:

1 / Zinc sulphate (ZnSO4.H2O) – Zinc sulphate mono hydrate

Content: Zn: 35%; S: 17%

Zinc sulphate (ZnSO4.7H2O) – Zinc sulphate heptahydrate

Zinc sulphate sealed in seven countries of Vietnamese origin (white crystals)

Zn content: 23%; S: 11%

3/ Zinc sulphate hydroxide (ZnSO4.4Zn(OH)2)

Zn content: 55%; S: 5.4%

Zinc Chloride (ZnCl2): Zn: 52%,

5/ Zinc fused with silicates: Zn: 28 – 40%

Zinc oxide (ZnO): Zn: 78%

Zinc carbonate (ZnCO3) – ZnCO3.2Zn(OH)2H2O: Zn: 52%

White powder Good solubility in acids, alkalis and ammonium salts, insoluble in water

8/ Zinc sulphite (ZnS): Zn: 67%; S: 32%

9/ Zinc Phosphate (Zn3(PO4)2)

Zn content 45 45 45

Phosphate% 20 – 30 40 – 46 43 – 47

The PH value 6-8 5-7 5-7

10/ Chelate Chelate (nEDTA-ZN-15)

Chemical name: Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, zinc disodium complex

Chemical formula: EDTA-ZnNa2 (C10H12N2O8ZnNa2)

Product form: White powder

Zn content chelated: 15%; pH (at 1% concentration) 6 – 7 6.23

11/ Chelate Chelate (nEDTA-ZN-9)

Chemical formula: EDTA-Zn (NH4)2

Product form: Colorless, pale yellow or transparent liquid.

Zn content chelated: 9%

pH (at 1% concentration) 6.0 – 9.0

12/ Zinc powder of zinc

A type of metallic zinc of super-small size, extremely large surface area, zinc nano powder reacts with halogenated dampers to form organozinc compounds (organic zinc nano).

Product form: gray powder, average particle size: 75 – 125 nm

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