Lân – Phosphate

Providing phosphorus to the plant as phosphate ion (PO43-)

Fecundity of fertilizer is estimated as P2O5% in fertilizer.

Phosphate is mainly DAP; FAT; TSP; NPK, phosphate, monophosphate, supephosphate, phosphate rich, phosphate.

1. Functions of Lan (P2O5hh) for plants

Lan is the center of energy and protein metabolism

Lan plays an important role in the formation and transport of organic compounds in the plant, which in turn stimulates the growth of the roots of the plant and allows the plant to assimilate other nutrients.

Lan participates in the composition of Nucleic Acids and cell membranes, forming ATP as carrier material and energy. Lan usually accounts for 1 – 14% of the dry weight of the tree.

                                                                                 Cycle of phosphorus

* Symptoms of P deficiency:

– When deficient: poorly developed roots, thin leaves may turn red, affecting flowering of plants; Rough fruits, slow ripening, usually thick, spongy and easy to rot, easy to fungal attack, because the lane is part of the cell wall.

                                                                       Leaves of coffee lack phosphorus

                                                                     Lack of fruit is thick, spongy and easy to rot

– If excess: Very difficult to detect, however, it is easy to make zinc and copper deficiencies.

2. Evaluation of P content in soil:

                                                The effect of pH on the distribution of inorganic phosphorus (phosphorus) in the soil

– total phosphorus (P2O5%): total organic and inorganic phosphorus

Analytical methods Loren

Poverty: <0.01%

Average: 0.01 – 0.05%

Pretty: 0.05 – 0.1%

Rich:> 0.1%

– easy to digest (P2O5dt) (mg / 100gr)

  Oniani Method Bray method
Very poor:  < 5 mg/100gr < 10 mg/100gr
Poor: 5 -10 mg/100gr  10 -20 mg/100gr
Medium: 10 –15 mg/100gr 20 –30 mg/100gr
Hide:  15 mg/100gr >> 30 mg/100gr

3. Phosphate fertilizers on the market:

3.1. Phosphate Supe Phosphate

3.1.1 Single superphosphate:

Contains 14 – 20% P2O5

The production process takes place one stage by mixing powdered phosphoric or apatite with concentrated sulfuric acid.

                                                            Superman Lam Thao and Suphan Buri

Supe Phosphate Products on the Market:

+ Supe Lan Lam Thao (Supe photphas and Lam Thao chemicals)

+ Supe Lan Long (Southern Fertilizer)

+ Supe Lan Lao cai (Apromaco)

+ Supe Lan Duc Giang (Laos cai)

Compare the characteristics of Supe Lan and Lan fused

– Acidic
– Not suitable for sour soils
– Tan in water, plants are absorbed immediately
– Add Ca2 + to the tree
– Suitable for sour soils
– Insoluble in water, only slightly soluble in acid or acid in the root of the plant, should have a slow but long lasting effect
– Addition of Ca2+ and Mg2+

3.1.2 Dual Supperphosphate – TSP: Contains 40 – 50% P2O5

The production process occurs in two stages: Use sulfuric acid to prepare the phosphoric acid, then the phosphoric acid continues to react with phosphoric or apatite to form double phosphate.

Supe Phosphate Products on the Market:

+ Supe Lan Du Duc Giang (Lao Cai)

3.2. Fused phosphate: contains 13 – 16% P2O5

                                                                                         Blessed grace

For the production of fused magnesium phosphate, apatite (or phosphoric) apatite is mixed with the beige stone (the main component is magnesium silicate) and coke at temperatures above 1000 degrees Celsius in the vertical kiln. The molten product from the furnace is rapidly cooled with water so that the bulk is broken into chips, then dried and ground into powder.

3.3. Ammonium phosphate fertilizer:

3.3.1. Monoammonium phosphate (MAP): Contains 10% (N), 50% P2O5hh

3.3.2. Diammonophosphate (DAP): Contains 15 – 18% (N), 44 – 46% P2O5hh

                                                                                       DAP and MAP of China

Is the type of protein and phosphate.

Phosphate is in the form of pellets, gray ash or white.

Feces are very soluble in water and promote rapid effects. Fecal fertilizer is used as a fertilizer, good fertilizer.

Stools are easy to use. Commonly used in saline soils because it does not increase salinity, acidity. Feces have a slightly lower protein ratio than phosphorus, so it should be combined with other fertilizers, especially when fertilizing plants that need more protein.


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