Author Archives: phanbonfnano

Roots Power is a product of Gel Micro Fertilizers

Since the appearance of the product has been rapidly applied in the recovery of root crops as well as nutritional supplementation of chelate and biological substances through the spraying on the tree and irrigation roots!
But it also has a superior feature is the Ure shirt to turn ordinary Ure products into biological Ure. Help urea seeds to break down plants in a controlled manner. Reduce the evaporation loss by 60% in the air!
For Roots Power nothing is impossible!
Roots stronger than ever!

Molipden (Mo) – Molybdenum

Cultivated molybdenum plants are in the form of molybdate (MoO42-) and molybdenum oxide (MoO3) salts.                     1. Effect of Mo on the physiological biochemistry of plants.                        Mo plays an important role in many biochemical physiological processes in the plant: nutrient uptake (nitrogen fixation, nitrogen fixation and denitrification), respiration (oxidation – reduction) of photosynthesis (chlorophyll activation and […]


PROFESSIONAL USE OF FNANO BIOCHEMICAL FERTILIZER Fnano bio-fertilizer has really conquered the farmer from the 2013 to 2016 season by a closed process from the combination of organic complexes and chemically-chelated chemical molecules. This is because it has brought success to the gardeners when applying Fnano Biochemistry products from soil improvement – caring for plant […]