Cultivars are mainly B4O27-, HBO32- and BO33-.
Bo forms in soil:
– H3BO3 in solution
– Free from the main mineral: Tourmaline
– pH dependent activity
– Dry areas, Bo accumulated into alkaline borates (Sodium Borates – Borax)
– Dry areas, plants can be poisoned Bo. The more serious the irrigation water has high Bo content.
– adsorbed on mineral oxides
New liming can reduce the activity of Bo due to the formation of new surfaces of Bo mineralization oxide
– Create complex with organic matter
– Interactions: Ca and K can reduce the usefulness of Bo
1. The effect of Bo on the following biochemical physiological processes:
Nutrient uptake and N fixation, CO2 reduction and chlorophyll activation during photosynthesis, chlorophyll synthesis and growth regulator synthesis, evapotranspiration associated with transport of the substance in the plant, the metabolism of the substance, the formation of young roots, especially the formation of pollen and the result, drought tolerance and cold tolerance, heat resistance of plants.
– Reproduction, new cell growth in the top of the growth
– Deformation at the top of the body
– Pollen & seed formation
– Need for growth of pollen
– Fruit development
– Can affect the transport of sugar
– Deformation fruit
It affects the formation of many groups of substances: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, pigments, vitamins and auxin.
Missing B:
– The soil is rough and the soil grows on granite
– Popular on grapes, fruit trees, legumes.
Expression of Bo deficiency:
Burning the tail of the leaf due to lack of Bo
Missing young leaves at the shoots of discolored and weakened beginning from the bottom, shoots to death
Lack of Bo, thick leaves, sometimes bent up and brittle, stunted plants, prone to death dry growth peak, stunted little bud roots, flowers are vulnerable to fall, not fragrant and fast.
Bo is thought to play a catalytic role in the synthesis of cell wall precursors so that anthrax is more likely to occur in tubers. The inner tissues of rotten tubs form black or brown areas. It is hollow and intestinal disease often found in radish, carrots.
Burning the tail – deformed fruit
The lack of Bo also noted that in some fruit trees have irregular lengths, rough fruits and plastic discharge at the stem.
Bo also affects legumes that increase N fixation, increasing the water uptake of legumes. Research results in Russia also show that Bo deficiency also reduced RNA levels at the top of the tree and root peaks, legumes, and decreased DNA in sunflowers. This effect also disrupts plant metabolism.
– Phenomenon deficiency is more commonly associated with plants than with soil.
– Plants with very high boron requirements can be listed as follows: poppy, white radish, lettuce, purple radish, sultana, cabbage, 100g dry matter.
– Plants with average carotenoids, potatoes, tobacco, white beans, tomatoes, celery.
Grapefruit has only one fruit of normal size in the ball
The lack of Bo killed the head of the stigma
The body burns short
Lack of Bo 2 burning between short, light green like body shrink
– Trees, rice, corn need the lowest level Bo
Apply as much protein and potassium as the Bo boost, but P fertilizer needs reduction. However, it is recognized that Bo fertilizers increase the efficiency of phosphate in the market, so it is usually the type of phosphate containing Bo. This approach has two advantages: increased phosphate efficiency and increased ability to use Bo trees.
Bo poisoning:
– Occurs when the soil is salty
Expression of plant poisoned Bo
Symptoms of Bo poisoning
Burning leaves, usually at the ends of veins. Black leaf can turn black and may be mixed with salt poisoning
Plants are often very sensitive. Pay attention to plants with high demand, and plants tolerant to high concentrations of Bo.
However, it should be noted that excessive application of Bo also causes botulism. The appropriate dosage for this plant will not be suitable for other plants.
The first stage of Bo poisoning usually appears as a yellowing of the leaf or spots. In severe cases, gum spots appear on the lower leaf surface with early leaves. Severe symptoms may include spiked stems.
Grape leaves have manifested Bo poisoning
Necrotic at the leaf edge, leaves are drooping and turn yellow orange due to excessive Bo poisoning
High content of water in irrigation or in soil may be a problem for citrus development. In cases where soil and water resources are high in Bo, we need to irrigate and improve the drainage system to control the problem.
Different stem and shoots differ in their sensitivity to boron toxicity. Lemon is the most sensitive, followed by tangerines, grapefruits and oranges.
Bo in the soil
The amount of soil lost in the soil is very large: 100 – 200 g/ha/yr due to wash, 50 – 300 g/ha due to the harvested product (according to Gros in France). The number of tropical countries lost more.
Bo content in the soil is quite high: 0.5 -10 mg/1kg of dry matter, in which easily digestible Bo number accounts for 1 – 10% total Bo. The amount of easily digested Bo usually varies with pH. Therefore, only Bo deficiency occurs in two cases:
– Soil or soil sown too much fertilizer.
– Long – term arable land is washed away and degenerated.
Spray Bo through the leaves
Boost Bo content in sleeping sprouts.
Very effective in B deficiency symptoms in fruits.
The leaves are well tolerated with high Bo.
Spray B before and during flowering
For safety, spray 1/2kg B/ha each time
Only limited part of B deficiency symptoms on fruit
2. Compounds that contain Bo can be used as fertilizer for crops and soil.
2.1 Boric acid
Chemical formula: H3BO3 or B(OH)3
Bo content: 17.5%
Molecular weight: 61.83 g mol-1
Appearance: White crystalline solid
Melting point: 170.9oC, 4440K, 340oF
Boiling point: 300oC, 5730K, 572oF
Water solubility: 5.7 g/100 mL (250C); 19.10 g/100 mL (800C); 27.53 g/100 mL (1000C)
2.2. Sodium borate (solder)
+ Pentahydrate natritetrabonat (Red Borax) and Sodium Tetraquat Decahydrate (Borax Green)
Sodium tetrabonate decahydrate (Na2B4O7.10H2O) in powder form contains 11.3% B,
+ Pentahydrate natritetrabonat (Na2B4O7.5H2O) in powder and granules containing 14.9% B,
+ Sodium tetraborate (Na2B4O7) in powder and pellets containing 20.5 B
2.3. Datolite (2CaO.B2O3.SiO2.H2O) – Minerals are derived from lava
Other Formulation: CaBSiO4(OH)
Ingredient content:
Calcium 25.05% Ca 35.05% CaO
Silicon 17.56% Si 37.56% SiO2
Boron 6.76% B 21.76% B2O3
Hydrogen 0.63% H 5.63% H2O
Oxygen 50.00% O
100.00% 100.00% = TOTAL OXIDE
A water-insoluble compound soluble in citric acid only in the form of pellets
2.4. Colemanite (Ca2B6O11.5H2O)
Ingredient content:
Calcium 19.50% Ca 27.28% CaO
Boron 15.78% B 50.81% B2O3
Hydrogen 2.45% H 21.91% H2O
Oxygen 62.27% O
100.00% 100.00% = TOTAL OXIDE
A water-insoluble compound soluble in citric acid only in the form of pellets
2.5. Ulexite NaCaB5O6(OH)6.5(H2O)
Sodium 5.67% At 7.65% Na2O
Calcium 9.89% Ca 13.84% CaO
Boron 13.34% B 42.95% B2O3
Hydrogen 3.98% H 35.57% H2O
Oxygen 67.12% O
100.00% 100.00% = TOTAL OXIDE
A water-insoluble compound soluble in citric acid only in the form of pellets